In the present study, we evaluated whether reproductive condition affects female reproductive behaviour in the induced ovulator Ctenomys talarum. We also explored the effect of the interaction with a male on the reproductive condition of females. To evaluate this, we arranged mating trials and evaluated female reproductive behaviour. Reproductive status of females was evaluated using a combined approach of vaginal smears, urinary progesterone and oestradiol, and ovarian histology. Behaviours denoting attraction (‘male sniff’ and ‘mount attempts’) and mutual courtship behaviours (‘spin’ and copula) were correlated with vaginal cytology before and oestradiol and progesterone levels in urine 12 h after male–female encounter. After 24 h of the interaction, oestradiol levels and vaginal epithelization increased while progesterone levels decreased in soliciting females. C. talarum females’ reproductive behaviour was related to its physiological reproductive state and vaginal cytology. The kind of male interaction, whether couples copulated or remained indifferent affected the later status of females. Females are induced ovulators by mating but male presence and interaction also affected other components of their reproductive physiology such as ovarian hormones and vaginal cytology.