The beginnings of the research on the urban climate in the Department of Climatology are associated with the start of functioning in 1957 of the downtown Climatological Station, located within the central campus of the University of Warsaw. The studies from the domain of urban climate, dane during the 50 years of existence of the Department, concern mainly the climate of Warsaw. These studies can be classified into: - publications devoted to various elements of climate of Poland, in which Warsaw was also accounted for (W. Okołowicz, Z. Kaczorowska, M. Stopa), - Master's Theses devoted to various fragments of town or to various elements of climate in Warsaw, - doctoral dissertations devoted to various problems related to the climate of Warsaw (J. Boryczka, U. Kossowska, J. Wawer), - work done at the orders from various institutions, such as transport of air pollution, influence of urban green spaces on climate, eco-physiographic foundations for environmental engineering at the housing estate Białołęka Dworska (elaborated by the entire team of the Department of Climatology), - book publications including statistical analyses of relations between the particular elements of climate in Warsaw and of the secular climate changes together with its cyclical character (J. Boryczka, M. Stopa-Boryczka, and others), - papers published in various journals, mainly in „Prace i Studia IG UW” and in „Prace i Studia Geograficzne”, concerning many different problems related to the climate of Warsaw. During 50 years an evolution of the research domain could be observed: from cognition of the primary features of the climate of Warsaw, through the study of the differentiation between the centre and the suburban zone, to the micro-climatic studies and the theoretical-statistical elaborates. The results of the thus diversified research projects, dispersed until now among the both published and unpublished reports, make up a rich material for a detailed monograph of the climate of Warsaw.