Przedstawiono dane dotyczące rozmieszczenia i liczebności populacji wilczomlecza pstrego Euphorbia epithymoides L. w Dąbrowie Górniczej, na obszarze pomiędzy Ujejscem a Trzebiesławicami. W 2009 roku w obrębie czterech wzgórz triasowych odnotowano łącznie występowanie około 5600 pędów tego gatunku, w tym prawie 75% kwitnących. Wilczomlecz pstry rósł na brzegach lasów i zarośli, w runie zbiorowisk leśnych, zwłaszcza tych porastających doły i hałdy – ślady po górnictwie odkrywkowym rud cynku i ołowiu w ubiegłych wiekach. Powierzchnia zajęta przez populację tego gatunku wynosiła łącznie 2 ha
Euphorbia epithymoides is one of the rarest species of the vascular flora of Poland. There are only five known sites (Ujejsce, Tuliszów, Podwarpie, Trzebiesławice, Sikorka), situated in the northeastern part of the Silesian Upland. It is an endangered and legally protected species included on the Red List of Vascular Plants in Poland and the Polish Red Book of Plants. In Poland Euphorbia epithymoides occurs only in areas with surface mining activity (extraction of zinc and lead ores) or in their close proximity. Therefore, it is considered to be a possible anthropophyte. The materials published so far provide information about a decline of the Polish Euphorbia epithymoides population and indicate that the site in Sikorka is the most abundant one. During the field investigations in 2009, the status of the species population was checked in the area between Ujejsce and Trzebiesławice (the districts of Dąbrowa Górnicza). It was shown that Euphorbia epithymoides occurs there abundantly and covers larger areas than previously reported in the literature. Thus, at present the studied population does not appear to be endangered. In total, more than 5600 shoots were found, including ca 75% flowering ones, which cover an area of over 2 hectares. Based on the research conducted in 2009 and data collected previously by other researchers, it seems that the location of Euphorbia epithymoides in Trzebiesławskie Wzgórza is now the most abundant one in Poland. The area where this rare plant species occur together with other valuable and protected vascular species, and the phytocoenoses of Carici-Fagetum convallarietosum, which are similar to natural ones, deserve to be legally protected.