Przeanalizowano czynniki makroekonomiczne tkwiące w otoczeniu rynkowym oraz mikrouwarunkowania wynikające z posiadanych zasobów ziemi, pracy i kapitału. Informacje pochodziły ze źródeł wtórnych (dane statystyczne i publikacje) oraz pierwotnych (wywiady kwestionariuszowe w 20 gospodarstwach). W opinii producentów, otoczenie rynkowe nie sprzyja rozwojowi produkcji warzywniczej, jednocześnie obawiają się oni wzrostu importu z krajów Unii Europejskiej, nisko oceniając własne możliwości eksportowe na ten rynek.
Macroeconomic factors lying in market surroundings and microconditionnings based on ownership of land, work and capital are discussed in this paper. Analysed informations were obtained from primary (questionnaire inquiries) and secondary (statistical data and publications) sources. Studied farms were located in the region characterised by very favourable natural conditions favouring development of horticultural production and in this vegetable production as well. Analysis of resources showed that the farms were small and well equipped with elementary agricultural machines and installations, however the number and capacity of storage rooms were insufficient. The farms had enough big resources of men power and the education of farmers was higher than on average in the country. In farmers' opinion, the surroundings of market were unfavourable to development of vegetable production. The farmers were afraid of an increase of import from EU-countries and they estimated their own export possibilities to these countries as little.