Praca ukazuje sposoby definiowania kategorii gospodarstwa rolnego w przepisach wdrażających systemy rolniczych rent strukturalnych, a także ich skutki dla realizacji funkcji strukturalnych przez analizowany instrument polityki rolnej.
To counteract the negative phenomena of fragmented agrarian structure in Polish agriculture in Rural Development Areas Plan 2004-2006 (PROW) was adopted the early retirement pension scheme for farmers, aimed at agricultural land concentration in viable economically farms. The aim of this scheme is offering farmers early retirement pensions in-exchange of agricultural land release for agriculture structure improvement. The legal act implementing this system to a practice do not define the category of a farm. But it is possible to reconstruct this legal term on the basis of legal regulation. From the analyses it is possible to conduct, that regulation of the Council of Ministers consist of minimal scope of the content of the farm term. Mentioned approach is correct for farms transfer for enlargement of other farms, but not adequate to farms transfer for farms successors. It is necessary to change this situation; to define a category of farm, improve of farm transfer mechanism for successors, also adjust the so called area clause in the regulation.