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Przegląd metod znakowania stosowanych w badaniach ichtiologicznych

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Języki publikacji









Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Akwakultury, Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie, Olsztyn
  • Zakład Ichtiologii, Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie, Olsztyn
  • Zakład Hodowli Ryb Jesiotrowatych w Pieczarkach, Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie, Pieczarki
  • Zakład Akwakultury, Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie, Olsztyn


  • Acolas M.L., Roussel J.M., Lebel J.M., Bagliniere J.L. 2007 - Laboratory experiment on survival, growth, and tag retention following PIT injection into the body cavity of juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta - Fish. Res. 86: 280-284.
  • Almany G.R., Berumen M.L., Thorrold S.R., Planes S., Jones G.P. 2007 - Local replenishment of coral reef fish populations in a marine reserve -Science316: 742-744.
  • Crook D.A., O’Mahony D.J., Gillanders B.M., Munro A.R., Sanger A.C. 2011 - Quantitative measurement of calcein fluorescence for non-lethal, field based discrimination of hatchery and wild fish - Am. Fish. Soc. Symp. 76: 1-8.
  • Douglas M.R., Brunner P.C., Bernatchez L. 1999 - Do assemblages of Coregonus (Teleostei: Salmoniformes) in the Central Alpine region of Europe represent species flocks? - Mol. Ecol. 8: 589-603.
  • Fopp-Bayat D., Ciereszko A. 2011 - Genotypowanie wybranych loci mikrosatelitarnego DNA uzyskanego z płetw i kriokonserwowanego nasienia siei łebskiej (Coregonus lavaretus) - W: Nowe gatunki w akwakulturze - rozród, podchów, profilaktyka (Red.) Z. Zakęś, K. Demska-Zakęś, A. Kowalska. Wyd. IRS, Olsztyn: 91-98.
  • Goldsmith R.J., Closs G.P., Steen H. 2003 - Evaluation of visible implant elastomer for individual marking of small perch and common bully - J. Fish Biol. 63: 631-636.
  • Hilborn R., Walters C.J., Jester D.B. 1990 - Value of fish marking in fisheries management - W: Fish-Marking Techniques (Red.) N.C. Parker, A.E. Giorgi, R. Heidinger, B.J. Douglas, E. Prince, G.A. Winans. American Fisheries Society, Maryland, USA: 5-8.
  • IUCN 2013 - International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. http://www.iucnredlist.Org/details/21860/0.
  • Jakobsson J. 1970 - On fish tags and tagging - Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev. 8: 457-499.
  • Kalish J.M. 1990 - Use of otolith microchemistry to distinguish the progeny of sympatric anadromous and non-anadromous salmonids - Fish. Bull. 88: 657-666.
  • Kempter J., Kohlmann K., Panicz R., Sadowski J., KeszkaS. 2010-Genetic variability in European populations of Coregonus lavaretus (L.): an assessment based on mitochondrial ND-1 gene haplotypes - Arch. Pol. Fish. 18: 197-204.
  • Kuraki M., Buckley R.M., LeClair L.L., Hauser L. 2010 - Validation and efficacy of transgenerational mass marking of otoliths in viviparous fish larvae-J. Fish Biol. 77: 292-298.
  • Leber K.M., Blankenship H.L. 2011 - How advances in tagging technology improved progress in a new science: marine stock enhancement - Am. Fish. Soc. Symp. 76: 1-11.
  • Liu Q., Zhang X.M., Zhang P.D., Nwafili S.A. 2009-The use of alizarin red S and alizarin complexone for immersion marking Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (T.) - Fish. Res. 98: 67-74.
  • Martyniak A., Gabryś B., Boron S., Hliwa P., Szymańska U., Terlecki J., Romaniewicz A. 1997 - Diet composition of cormorants Phalacroco- rax carbo sinensis from pellets collected in the post-breeding season at Wigry National Park (NE Poland) - Suppl. Ric. Boil. Selvaggina XXVI: 499-504.
  • McFarlane G.A., Wydoski R.S., Prince E.D. 1990 - Historical revive of the development of external tags and marks - W: Fish-Marking Techniques (Red.) N.C. Parker, A.E. Giorgi, R. Heidinger, B.J. Douglas, E. Prince, G.A. Winans. American Fisheries Society, Maryland, USA: 9-29.
  • Möhler J.W. 1997 - Immersion of larval Atlantic salmon in calcein solutions to induce a non- lethally detectable mark - N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 17: 751-756.
  • Munro A.R., Gillanders B.M., Elsdon T.S., Cook D.A., Sanger A.C. 2008 - Enriched stable isotope marking of juvenile golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) otoliths - Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 65: 276-285.
  • Munro A.R., Gillanders B.M., Thurstan S., Cook D.A., Sanger A.C. 2009 - Transgenerational marking of freshwater fishes with enriched stable isotopes: a tool for fisheries management and research - J. Fish Biol. 75: 668-684.
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  • Prince E.D., Ortiz M.A., Rosenthal D., Venizelos A., Davy K. 2001 - A update of the tag release and recapture files for Atlantic istiophoridae - Col. Vol. Sei. Pap. 53: 198-204.
  • Russell I.C., Kinsman D.A., Ives J.M., Finney J., Murrell M. 2003 - The use of coded-wire microtags to assess prey selectivity and foraging behaviour in great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo - Vogewelt 123: 245-253.
  • Scott E.L., Prince E.D., Goodyear C.D. 1990 - History of the cooperative game fish tagging program in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea, 1954-1987 - Am. Fish. Soc. Symp. 7: 841-853.
  • Simon J. 2007 - Evaluation of marking European silver eels with visible implant elastomer tags and alcian blue - J. Fish Biol. 70: 303-309.
  • Skalski J.R., Buchanan R.A., Griswold J. 2009 - Review of marking methods and release-recapture designs for estimating the survival of very small fish: examples from the assessment of salmonid fry survival - Rev. Fish. Sei. 17:391-401.
  • Skalski J., Griswold J. 2006 - Design and analysis of salmonid tagging studies in the Columbia Basin. A summary of methods for conducting salmonid fry mark-recapture studies for estimating survival in tributaries - 2005-2006 Technical Report, Project No. 198910700, (BPA Report DOE/BP-00025091 -2).
  • Szczepkowski M., Zakęś Z., Wunderlich K., Szczepkowska B., Kapusta A. 2014 - Wstępne wyniki zarybień jezior narybkiem sandacza wychowanym w systemach recyrkulacyjnych - W: Zrównoważone korzystanie z zasobów rybackich na tle ich stanu w 2013 r. (Red.) M. Mickiewicz. Wyd. IRS, Olsztyn: 133-142.
  • Starrs D., Davis J.T., Schlaefer J., Ebner B.C., EgginsS.M., Fulton C.J. 2014 - Maternally transmitted isotopes and their effects on larval fish: a validation of dual isotopic marks within a meta-analysis context - Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 71(3): 387-397.
  • Volk E.C., Schroder S.L, Grimm J.J. 1999 - Otolith thermal marking - Fish. Res. 43:205-219.
  • Woodcock S.H., Walther B.D. 2014 - Concentration-dependent mixing models predict values of diet-derived stable isotope ratios in fish otoliths - J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 454: 63-69.
  • Wziątek B., Martyniak A., Flliwa P„ Kozłowski J., Krzywosz T., Osewski M., Sobocki M., Szymańska U., Gomutka P. 2005 - Great cormorant predation on coregonid fishes at seven sites in Poland - Arch. Hydrobiol. Advanc. Limnol. 60: 285-297.
  • Williamson D.H., Jones G.P., Thorrold S.R., Frisch A.J. 2009-Transgenera- tional marking of marine fish larvae: stable-isotope retention, physiological effects and health issues - J. Fish Biol. 74: 891 -905.
  • Zakęś Z., Hopko M., Partyka K., Kowalska A., Stawecki K. 2010 - Efekty dootrzewnowego i domięśniowego znakowania młodocianego sandacza - Komun. Ryb. 6: 21-24.
  • Zakęś Z., Kapusta A., Szczepkowski M. 2013 - Znakowanie młodocianego sandacza znaczkami magnetycznymi i implantami elastomerowymi - wpływ na wskaźniki hodowlane i retencję znaczków - Komun. Ryb. 6: 26-29.
  • Zitek A., Irrgeher J„ Kletzl K., Weismann T., Prohaska T. 2013- Tjransgene-rational marking of brown trout Salmo trutta f.f. using an 84Sr spike - Fish. Manage. Ecol. 20: 354-361.

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