At the Ist Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Silesian Medical Academy in Zabrze 40 women with the symptoms of acute and subacute trichomonadosis of the uro-genital tract were subjected to tile treatment with Thiofastil and Aminitrozol; the former was administered in tablets by intravaginal route, 1 daily for 10 days; Aminitrozol was given paralelly in tablets per os in the amount of 0.1 g 3X a day, for 10 days. If needed, the combined treatment was repeated increasing the dosis of Thiofastil up to 20 tablets (1 tablet twice daily for 10 days). In 22 cases, Aminitrozol was also employed to treat the sexual partners. The percentage of cures was 62.5%. We have considered the patients to be entirely cured when repeatedly checked discharges from the urethra, vagina and uterine cervix did not show the presence of T. vaginalis in the saline drop, as well as in the smears stained according to Giemsa. In non-cured patients there was a considerable improvement: diminution in the vaginal discharge, disappearance of vulvar oedema and of pruritus and burning sensations. Microscopic picture was consistent with this condition, showing a reduced number of leucocytes and T. vaginalis. The percentage of cures obtained by this combined method is higher as compared with that observed after the separate use of Thiofastil and Aminitrozol in two groups of women.