MBD3 is a member of the family of methyl-CpG binding domain containing proteins. It is a component of a multisubunit complex involved in nucleosome remodeling and histone deacetylation. MBD3 does not bind to DNA, but recruits histone deacetylases and DNA methyltransefases and can act as transcriptional repressor. The aim of this study was to verify if MBD3 is involved in epigenetic mechanisms leading to epilepsy development. We have studied MBD3 mRNA and protein expression in the brain of rats undergoing epileptogenesis evoked by amygdala stimulation induced status epilepticus (n=6) and time-matched sham controls (n=6). mRNA and proteins were isolated from the dentate gyrus, hippocampal CA1-CA3 and extrahippocampal temporal lobe tissue. mRNA expression was studied with quantitative RT-PCR. Differences in the MBD3 mRNA expression in the dentate gyrus and extrahippocampal temporal tissue did not reach statistical significance. Two bands representing MBD3 were detected on western blot. Densitometric analysis revealed decrease of the intensity of the upper band in the extrahippocampal temporal lobe 14 days after status epilepticus (0.42 ± 0.18 fold of control, p=0.001). No difference between groups was observed in the dentate gyrus and CA1-3. Decrease in the expression of MBD3 protein in the temporal lobe during epileptogenesis may lead to derepression of transcription of genes crucial for epilepsy development. Supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Education grant N N301 162135.