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Nicienie szpaka - Sturnus vulgaris L. Dolnego Śląska


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Nematodes in starling (Sturnus vulgaris L.) of Lower Silesia

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In 106 starlings (24 juvenile and 82 adult) 12 species of Nematoda were detected. Five species: Porrocaecum semiteres, Acuaria anthuris, Diplotriaena tricuspis, Thominx contorta, Thominx similis appeared to be new to the parasitofauna of Sturnus vulgaris in Poland. The extensity of the infection with nematodes of juveniles was 66,7% and adults 69,5%. All the species (except P. semiteres) were found in old birds.








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  • Zakład Parazytologii Ogólnej, Instytut Mikrobiologii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław


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