Anticipatory attention is a downstream modula‑ tion of brain activity, directed towards facilitating the processing of upcoming stimuli. We studied anticipa‑ tory attention in a visual task comprised of two types of cues announcing a difficult (visual search of 16-ele‑ ment matrix) attentional task versus an easy motor re‑ sponse. The pattern of behavioural responses revealed existence of two distinct subpopulations of subjects: working under time-pressure (77% “fast-responders”) and delaying the response (23% “slow-responders”). As predicted by the speed-accuracy trade-off, fast-re‑ sponders performed worse than slow ones. A similar poor performance was also observed in a subgroup of fast participants that matched slow ones in the time spent on providing response in attention trials. Thus, the sole motivation to respond as fast as possible changed performance in our task. Both groups were significantly better in trials preceded with longer cues, indicating active preparation during this period. How‑ ever, the implemented anticipation mechanisms were different in both groups. Fast-responders during the anticipation period exhibited significant top-down modulation of alpha power, which was positively relat‑ ed to their performance. No such relation was observed in the slow-responders. In contrast, slow responders expressed significant top-down modulation of contin‑ gent negative variation (CNV) potential, previously described as related to subjective assessment of time flow. The power of CNV was positively correlated with behavioural performance only in the slow-responding group. Different anticipatory mechanisms resulted in different performance in the visual search task, during which slow-responders exhibited larger P300 amplitude. The power of P300 correlated positively with per‑ formance only in the slow-responders