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A new pentatomoid bug from the Ypresian of Patagonia, Argentina


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A new pentatomoid heteropteran, Chinchekoala qunita gen. et sp. nov. is described from the lower Eocene of Laguna del Hunco, Patagonia, Argentina. The new genus is mainly characterised by cephalic characters such as the mandibular plates surpassing the clypeus and touching each other in dorsal view; head wider than long; and remarkable characters related to the eyes, which are surrounded antero-laterally and posteriorly by the anteocular processes and the pronotum, as well as they extend medially more than usual in the Pentatomoidea. This is the first pentatomoid from the Ypresian of Patagonia and the second from the Eocene in the region, being the unique two fossil pentatomoids in Argentina.

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