W pracy przeprowadzono empiryczną weryfikację modeli kinetyki suszenia w pierwszym okresie suszenia dla cząstek korzenia pietruszki. Weryfikowano model liniowy nieuwzględniający skurczu suszarniczego oraz dwa modele uwzględniające skurcz. Na podstawie wyników weryfikacji przeprowadzono analizę badanego procesu.
Empirical verification of mathematical models of the first drying period of parsley root particles was conducted. Linear model not taking drying shrinkage into account and two models with shrinkage were verified. The obtained results allow for drawing the following conclusions. It could be assumed that during the convection drying of parsley root particles: 1) the period occurs during which the course of the process is determined by the conditions of external mass transfer, 2) the period of constant drying rate occurs. It could be also assumed that decreasing drying rate during the first period is caused by the drying shrinkage of dried particles. The obtained results of investigations suggest that parsley root can be regarded as an anisotropic and heterogeneous body.