Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid Hysun 333 (black seeded) was cultivated in a greenhouse and subjected during flowering stage to drought with or without the application of boron (B) and calcium (Ca) foliar sprays alone or in combination. The results revealed that drought induced a sharp decrease in seed fresh weight, seed protein and lipid contents. Application of B and Ca combined sprays overcame the drought effects on seed weight and seed lipid contents. Catalase expression was detected as a single band for all treatments where peroxidase isozymes were increased to seven, six of them were expressed when B sprays were applied with drought indicating that B has a major role in peroxidase up-regulation under drought conditions. SDS-PAGE analysis showed differential changes in protein profile with an appearance and/or disappearance of polypeptide protein bands, some of which were concluded to be drought-related proteins. The combined sprays of B and Ca seemed to overcome the effects of drought through minimizing band alterations (disappearance and/or appearance). The DD-RT PCR showed a variation in gene expression between the control and the other treatments. Sprays of B and Ca in combination seemed to be the most effective in band up-regulation and/or down-regulation that might play a possible role in improving tolerance of sunflower to overcome the drought deleterious effects.