The genetic relations between Büzgülü grape ecotypes (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in different regions of Turkey were investigated by RAPD analysis. Of 50 decamer primers tested, 20 were used in the study, and 17 yielded clear and reproducible polymorphic bands. Differences between ecotypes were analyzed statistically. The similarity index was lowest (0.601) between Etli Büzgülü (collection no. 619, from Antalya province) and Büzgülü (no. 572, Eskisehir prov.), and highest (0.879) between Sik Büzgülü (no. 516, Konya prov.) and Büzgülü (no. 738, Kütahya prov.). The data matrix indicated genetic distances ranging up to 0.038, although most were under 0.03. Phylogenetic trees obtained by UPGMA and neighbor-joining methods basically resembled each other, with some differences. The results from RAPD analysis correlated with some morphological characteristics. This study of Turkish grape germplasm suggests that the geographical and ecological distribution of the plants contributes to higher genetic similarity.