Jadłospisy układane przez dietetyka na ogół zapewniały wymagane ilości składników odżywczych. Stwierdzono jednakże zbyt duże ilości sodu w racjach, przekraczające normą pięciokrotnie i równocześnie zbyt mate miedzi, pokrywające normę jedynie w 71%, witaminy C w 63% (w przypadku kobiet i mężczyzn) oraz niacyny w 76% (w przypadku kobiet) i 68% (w przypadku mężczyzn). Pobranie witaminy A przekroczyło normę kobiet o 180%, a normę mężczyzn o 138%. Badane racje pokarmowe nie pozwoliły na pełną realizację norm spożycia warzyw i owoców oraz mleka i produktów mlecznych.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility of covering the demand for macro- and micronutrients by the patients of Specialized Hospital in Kościerzyna. The data came from the warehouse reports based on ten-day diet sheets. Computer programme FOOD-2 was used to carry out the analysis of ingredients intake. The food sheets prepared by dietician in most cases provided demanded amounts of nutrients. However, it was found that, at the same time; an amount of sodium in researched rations was excessive (five times of recommended intake), amounts of copper were too small (only 71% of recommended intake for both women and men). The studies showed that vitamin C was deficient by 37% (both for women and men) and niacin by 24% for women and by 32% for men. Other B-group vitamins were consumed in satisfying amounts. As far as fat-soluble vitamins are concerned, an average daily intake of vitamin E complied with the recommended intake, while an average daily intake of vitamin exceeded the norm (for women by 180% and for men by 138%). The researched rations did not make it possible to fully comply with fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy products. The share of remaining food groups was satisfying.