Artykuł zawiera podsumowanie prac Rzędowego Zespołu do opracowania koncepcji zmian w organizacji terytorialnej Państwa, prowadzonych w podzespole przestrzennym. Opinia społeczna wyrażona w odpowiedziach na ankietę popiera ideę regionalizacji. Dokonana analiza kulturowych wartości przestrzeni Państwa Polskiego, istniejących podziałów administracyjnych, propozycji wysuwanych przez instytucje, ośrodki naukowe i osoby prywatne oraz prac prowadzonych w IGPiK pozwoliła na opracowanie wstępnej koncepcji nowego podziału terytorialnego kraju. Zakłada ona powstanie 12 następujących regionów: Pomorze Zachodnie, Pomorze Nadwiślańskie, Region Warmińsko-Mazurski, Wielkopolska, Ziemia Łęczycko-Sieradzka, Mazowsze, Dolny Śląsk, Górny Śląsk, Ziemia Krakowska, Małopolska Wschodnia, Podlasie i Ziemia Lubelska.
The article presents the recapitulation of the work of the Governmental Team established for preparation of a concept of changes in the territorial organization of the country led by the subgroup for physical organization. As a result of a large consultation, many opinions have been given by the heads of voivodships, self-governmental meetings, territorial self-governments and regional associations on the idea and form of regionalization. The majority of consultants expressed themselves in favour of the regionalization i.e. for development of large regions with a self-governmental system and for restitution of districts. Special attention has been paid to the physical divisions which, in their capacity of cultural and traditional centres, create a general framework of social life and express convictions and political opinions of consecutive governing groups. The preliminary concept of a new territorial division of the country was preceded by the analysis prepared by the Ministry of Culture concerning the historical divisions and by its proposal to distinguish the provinces, existing administrative and specialized divisions. Besides, many proposals have been delivered by various institutions, research centres and private persons. Relevant studies were also performed by the Institute for Physical Planning and Municipal Economy. As basic essential criteria have been recognized: -division into geographical regions, including regions of watersupply economy, -historical traditions and identity of particular Polish regions, -division and the level of economic self-dependence, -the role of main centres, the scope of their influences and functional relations. As a result of studies, the division of the country into 12 regions has been proposed, as follows: -Western Pomerania with its capital in Szczecin, -Vistula river-side-Pomerania with its capital in Gdańsk, -Warmia-Mazury Region with its capital in Olsztyn, -Great Poland with its capital in Poznań, -Łęczyca-Sieradz Region with its capital in Łódz, -Mazovian Region with its capital in Warsaw, -Lower Silesian Region with its capital in Wrocław, -Upper Silesian Region with its capital in Katowice, -Kraków Region with its capital in Kraków, -Eastern Little Poland with its capital in Rzeszów, -Podlasie Region with its capital in Białystok, -Lublin Region with its capital in Lublin. Another form of this division is a version which takes into account the separation of the Chełm- Kujawy Region from the Vistula-riverside-Pomerania and separation of Opole Region from the Upper Silesian Region. Proposed division and the border lines between particular regions are of tentative character and they should be subject of further studies.