The objective of the investigations was to establish the effects of brow coal administration (in doses or without limits) as well as extracted humis acids on rearing and some haematological parameters in piglets. The best results of rearing and haematological indices were obtained in the group of piglets of a free access to brown coal. Humic acids extracted from brown coal turned to be biologically active and had a good effect on piglet’s rearing. Enriched with iron salts they can be an efficient agent preventing anaemia and stimulating growth. Humic acids have bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties.
15. Zdrawski C., Skwarek P., Pawiak R.: Mikrobiologiczne metody badania chemicznych środków dezynfekcyjnych przeznaczonych dla celów weterynaryjnych. Instytut Weterynarii, Puławy 1989.