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Strategia rozwoju spoleczno-gospodarczego gminy na przykladzie malego miasta i gminy wiejskiej

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Zasadnicza rola strategii rozwoju w zarządzaniu gminą. Podstawowe znaczenie metodyki opracowywania strategii. Niedocenianie w dotychczas wypracowanej metodyce roli wizji i jej relacji z misją oraz celami. Trudności w pracach nad strategią z: pozyskiwaniem informacji, opracowywaniem prognoz, współpracą z przedstawicielami społeczności lokalnej. Brak odpowiednich odniesień do etapu wdrażania i realizacji strategii.
The review of the literature on the subject matter as well as the analysis of the planning elaborations (with discussed in the article examples of the socio-economic development strategy of Rawa Mazowiecka city and Wi^zowna village community) give evidence that in the process of strategy preparation of local development the following phases are distinguished: - diagnosis of state, expressing as a whole the state of economy and physical state of art, social situation and conditions of natural environment; - prognosis of changes, mainly demo-social and economic; - vision of the community; - strategy, e.g. mission of local self-government and aims, directions and rules of long- term development (for 10-15 years); - programme of self-governmental activities for 2-4 years. The essence of diagnosis is the analysis and the evaluation of internal and external pre-conditions of community development in the categories of strong and weak features (creating chances and threats for the development) and problems to solve. The subject of prognosis is the projection of the internal situation in the community with aim to identify the factors, processes and phenomena which can restrict or stimulate the development in the future (the future chances and the threats in the development). The basic question is to qualify the future functions basing on the prognosis of chances: the dimension and the structures of population and employment, the range of public andprivate investments on the real estate market in the community and in the financial management. The vision of community we can characterize as the image of required future state. The mission in the strategy of community development precises the general rules for the development with distinction character and specific features of the community. The operational goals (conditioning the strategical aims) are subordinated to the superior strategical aim or to the group of strategical aims and the present duties to the operational goals. Aims and duties are formulated with referance to identified problems and possibilities of community development. The activities programme of community self-government for the period of its tenure is the assemblage of undertakings which are in accordance with the strategical aims and directions for the community development. The preparation of prognosis of community finances in relation to the 2-4 years programme of activities is advisable. To the most important problems related with the elaboration of local development strategy belong: - difficulties how to gain the required information on resources and activities in the self-government of community resulting from the imperfection in statistics and the lack of local data-base; - difficulties in the preparation of prognosis for the socio-economical development resulting from the imperfection in prognosis methodology; - difficulties in assurance the proper representatives of local community to the co-ope- ration with experts in the building of development strategy; - lack of references or relation in the unsatisfactory manner to the stage of the implementation and realization of strategy.








Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunalnej, ul.Krzywickiego 9, 02-078 Warszawa


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