Próbki mięsa zainfekowanego larwami włośnia poddawano działaniu ciśnienia hydrostatycznego 50 – 300 MPa przez 15 min. w temperaturze pokojowej. Badaniom mikroskopowym poddawano larwy w normalnym otoczeniu tkanki mięsnej, larwy wyizolowane z tkanki mięsnej metodą wytrawienia i preparaty histologiczne larw, barwione hematoksyliną i eozyną. Pełną dekontaminację mięsa uzyskano przy ciśnieniu 200 i 300 MPa.
Samples of meat infected with Trichinella spiralis larvae were subjected to hydrostatic pressures of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 300 MPa for 15 min at room temperature. The pressurised samples, control samples, larvae isolated from the samples by enzymatic etching, and the histological specimens obtained from the infected meat samples were observed under microscope. The survival rate was determined as the percentage of larvae capable of moving in the course of microscopic observation of the larvae isolated from the meat samples. It has been found that pressures 200 MPa or higher are lethal to 100% of the larvae. At lower pressures, some of the larvae survive, but their bodies undergo some deformations (partial straightening or excessive twisting).