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Analiza struktur populacyjnych wszolow u golebi miejskich

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A total of 70 pigeons from Cracow area was examined and the representation of bird lice (Mallophaga) infesting them estimated. Mostly the populations of two dominant species: Columbicola columbae columbae (L.) and Campanulotes bidentatus compar (Burm.) were assessed. 47% of birds inspected had less than 100 specimens of Mallophaga, although the highest infested one had 900 specimens. Sex and age of pigeons did not influence the number of bird lice present, and only weak health condition of individuals allowed higher infestation. The sex structure of ectoparasites was balanced, with a slightly higher number of females during the year of study. The highest number of bird lice was detected in autunm and the larvae definitely predominated then, as well. Similar tendency was observed in C. c. columbae populations. The course of age dynamie of C. b. compar was somewhat different, having the peak in July, and the imago stage dominated in this species. The populations of in C. c. columbae showed developmental signs, whereas the population structures of C. b. compar gave evidence of their regression.








Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, al.Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Krakow


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