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2004 | 07 | 1 |

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Effect of foliar fertilisation with microelements on common bean [Phaseolus vulgaris L.] development and seed yielding

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A field 2-factor split-plot experiment was carried out over 1998-2000 at the Pawłowice Agricultural Experiment Station. The aim of the experiment was to define the reaction of three bean cultivars ‘Longina’, ‘Małopolanka’ and ‘Mela’ cultivated for dry seeds on foliar fertilisation with boron and molybdenum and their mixture. The length of bean vegetation period depended on the cultivar and weather conditions. Over the three-year research the longest vegetation period was recorded for ‘Longina’ (121 days), and shorter – ‘Małopolanka’ (118 days) and ‘Mela’ (115 days). Morphological features, seed yield, content of organic components and crude ash in seeds were differentiated mostly by genetic factor and much less considerably by fertilisation with microelements.








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  • Agricultural University of Wroclaw, C.K.Norwida 25, 50-375 Wroclaw, Poland


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