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2006 | 51 | 3 |

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Habitat-use patterns of the coypu Myocastor coypus in an urban wetland of its original distribution

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The coypuMyocastor coypus Molina, 1782 is a semi-aquatic rodent native to Southern South America. In Argentina, it is an important fur resource for rural communities, and there is no evidence of its behaviour as a pest. Between October 2003 and February 2004, studies of habitat use at macro and micro scales were carried out on 6 ponds in a golf course, an artificial urban wetland free from hunting pressure and located within the coypu’s original distribution area. Coypus feed and build their burrows in the ponds but in the absence of hydrophilic vegetation, coypus sought food away from the ponds, covering distances up to 108 m and a feeding area as large as 19 m2. At the macrohabitat scale, the lower the herbaceous vegetation availability at the shore, the greater was the effective usage area. At the microhabitat level, coypus appeared to build their burrows in rather steep slopes (median = 75 cm) or high up on shores rising above the water level (mean = 61.2 cm) selecting ponds with mean values close to the aforementioned figures. The absence of hydrophilous vegetation, natural predators and human activity during the highest activity hours, in addition to suitable food resources around the year are considered to favour the coypu’s behaviour as a pest in these environments.

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  • Universidad de Buenos Aires,Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II, 4to. Piso [1428] Buenos Aires, Argentina


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