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1994 | 03 | 1 |

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The sanitary and bacteriological estimation of surface and undergroung waters in the region of a pig slurry agricultural utilization


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A number of indicatory microorganisms of contamination (TVC 2Q°C, TVC 37°C) and sanitary (TC, FC, FS, Clostridium perfringens) states were investigated in pig slurry (fresh and stored in a four-lagoon system), the surface water of the drainage ditch in a region fertilized by the slurry, the water of the Łeba River, and in the ground water (shallow and deep) of this region. The highest numbers of indicatory microorganisms were found in fresh slurry. In the case of stored slurry, their numbers decreased 100-1000 times, reaching after one year the values which are permitted for agriculturally utilizing sewage. The highest numbers of indicatory microorganisms were found in the drainage ditch water and in the shallow and deep piezometers neighbouring ring the lagoons.








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  • University of Agriculture and Technology, 10-957 Olsztyn-Kortowo, Poland


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