The sedge Carex pilosa Scop. was studied in beech forest sites situated on 470 m a.s.l. (Kremnické Vrchy Mts), 1290 m a.s.l. (Poľana Mts), 1275 m a.s.l. (Vtáčnik Mts) and 1170 m a.s.l. (Veľká Fatra Mts) in the Western Carpathians (Central Slovakia). The degree of leaf necrotisation was considerably lower in site Kremnické Vrchy Mts. The shortest mean length of shoots was observed in the Poľana Mts (27.3 cm) and the Kremnické Vrchy Mts (36.6 cm), i.e. in forest sites with lack of light in herb layer, the longest in the Veľká Fatra Mts (43.1 cm) and the Vtáčnik Mts (48.8 cm) with looser canopy of forest stands. The mean density of shoots (222> 211> 181> 26 per 1m²), aboveground weight of a one shoot (0.386> 0.345> 0.303> 0.166 g), phytomass (85.7> 72.8> 54.8> 6.2 g m⁻²) and energy storage (1669.4> 1326.5> 1052.8> 119.1 kJm⁻²) of Carex pilosa populations decreased in the following order according the sites: Vtáčnik Mts> Kremnické Vrchy Mts> Veľká Fatra Mts> Poľana Mts. Different sequence was in case of the mean energy content: Vtáčnik Mts> Poľana Mts> Veľká Fatra Mts> Kremnické Vrchy Mts. Significant differences in mean shoot length were found between Carex pilosa population growing in lowest site (Kremnické Vrchy Mts) and populations growing in highest sites (Vtáčnik Mts, Veľká Fatra Mts) with different climatic conditions. The energy content was distinctively higher in the case of the highest situated plots (19.21–19.48 kJ g⁻¹) in comparison with the lowest situated site at the Kremnické Vrchy Mts (18.22 kJ g⁻¹). The insignificant differences were found only between the Poľana Mts and Veľká Fatra Mts plots. Differences in the mean shoot weight were insignificant.