Z tusz kurcząt izolowano termotolerancyjne szczepy Campylobacter, określano ich przynależność gatunkową, a następnie badano w nich obecność sekwencji DNA kojarzonej z inwazyjnymi właściwościami tych szczepów.
Previously found DNA sequence (iam), correlated with the invasiveness of Campylobacter strains, became a starting point for present investigation. Main goal of this study was to isolate number of Campylobacter strains from chicken carcasses, to determine their taxonomie position and to establish the presence of iam sequence in their genoms. It was found, that invasion associated marker is present in all Campylobacter coli strains and in majority but not all Campylobacter jejuni. This may confirm the idea that the marker is not only responsible for diarrhea in humans but also may be important in the colonization of chicken guts.