W artykule opisano cztery nowe stanowiska paproci – nasięźrzału pospolitego Ophioglossum vulgatum L. w Bieszczadach Zachodnich, które odnaleziono w: Dźwiniaczu Górnym (ATPOL GG 6026), Kalnicy (ATPOL GG 46), Bandrowie Narodowym (ATPOL GG 30) i Berehach Górnych (ATPOL FG 69). Paproć ta była do tej pory podawana z Bieszczadów z czterech stanowisk
Ophioglossum vulgatum is a rare, protected fern, listed in the red list of vascular plants threatened in Poland with the vulnerable category. There are 4 localities of adderstongue acknowledged so far from the Bieszczady Zachodnie Mts (Fig. 2). Four new localities of this fern have been recorded: in the Dźwiniacz Górny village in the Bieszczady National Park (the ATPOL grid reference GG 6026, altitude 700 m), number of individuals – 5; on the slopes of the Gawgań Mt. near Kalnica (the ATPOL grid reference GG 46, altitude 610 m), number of individuals – 100; in the Bandrów Narodowy village (the ATPOL grid reference GG 30, altitude 540 and 552 m), number of individuals – 20; in the Berehy Górne village, on the southern slopes of Połonina Caryńska (the ATPOL grid reference FG 69, altitude 905 m), number of individuals – 4 (Kalemba, Korzeniak 2009)