W artykule podjęto próbę udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie czy dzieci, pochodzące ze środowiska wiejskiego odczuwają zagrożenia dla własnego zdrowia i rozwoju w związku z wykonywaniem prac rolnych. Problematykę tę przedstawiono na podstawie badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród dzieci z rodzin rolniczych z dwóch powiatów województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego. Badaniami ankietowymi objęto 971 uczniów wiejskich szkół podstawowych (klasy V i VI) oraz wiejskich gimnazjów (klasy I). Z uzyskanych danych wynika, że prawie połowa uczniów nie dostrzega, by wykonywanie prac w gospodarstwie rolnym rodziców zagrażało ich zdrowiu, życiu czy rozwojowi. Większość jednak przyznaje, że prace te są niebezpieczne lub raczej niebezpieczne.
The results of studies carried out in the last decade show that it is a common practice among farmers’ families to engage children in house and agricultural chores. The collected data suggest that a relatively high proportion of children do work that is dangerous or harmful to health. Children doing such work or just passively staying within the range of influence of the labour environment are exposed to numerous hazards – accidents in the first place, that pose a threat to their health. The authors of the article try to find out whether children living in the rural environment feel that agricultural work done by them poses a threat to their health and development. The problem is presented on the basis of surveys conducted among children from farmers’ families from two districts (points) of Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship. Questionnaires were submitted to 971 pupils of rural elementary schools (grades five and six) and rural grammar schools (grade one). The collected data prove that nearly a half of the surveyed pupils does not realize that work on the farms owned by their parents may pose a threat to their health, life or development. The rest is aware of some dangers. However, when assessing the safety of a child doing typical work around a farm the majority of respondents admits that such work is dangerous or dangerous rather than safe. The highest proportion of the surveyed pupils fears accidents. Far less frequently the surveyed children say they are afraid of contracting various diseases in the result of work on a farm. The necessity to help with farm work makes some of the respondents feel unhappy or even exploited.