Thirty-four donkeys from Henan Province, China, were examined at necropsy for strongyloid nematodes in the caecum (February 2006 to January 2007). Twenty-two species, including 18 Cyathostominae (small strongyles) and 4 Strongylinae (large strongyles), were identified. The five most prevalent Cyathostominae were Cylicocyclus nassatus (73.5%), Coronocyclus labratus (70.6%), Coronocyclus labiatus (67.6%), Cyathostomum tetracanthum (61.8%) and Coronocyclus coronatus (52.9%), accounting for 70.2% of all species identified; C. labratus (124.2 ± 256.4), Cyathostomum tetracanthum (96.4 ± 210.5) and Cylicocyclus nassatus (80.9 ± 117.1) had the greatest mean abundance, whereas Strongylus vulgaris was the most prevalent (88.2%) of the Strongylinae and had the highest mean abundance (34.9 ± 37.8). The numbers of species per donkey ranged from 1 to 15 (with a median of 7.1). Only a small percentage (5.9%) of donkeys were infected by a single species, whereas the other donkeys had infections with multiple species.