Badano wpływ wielokrotnego narażenia na karbaryl (4 tyg.) w dawce 5% LDS0 na transport wapnia i fosforu w jelicie oraz stężenie tych pierwiastków w surowicy i kości udowej szczurów karmionych dietami o różnej zawartości białka (7,5%, 10,3%, 22,7% - dieta standardowa i 30,6%).
The influence of repeated exposure to 5% LD50 of carbaryl on selected characteristics of calcium and phosphorus metabolism (transport of both elements in the intestines and their blood serum and femur concentration) was tested in male Wistar rats maintained on diets containing 7.5%, 10.3%, 22.7% (standard diet) and 30.6% protein. The animals were exposed to 14.3 mg/kg b.wt. of carbaryl suspended in soya bean oil 6 times a week during 7, 14 or 28 days. The controls were given in the same way equivalent volume of soya bean oil. The intestinal transport of calcium and phosphorus was estimated by the everted sacs method using isotope procedure. Blood serum and femur calcium levels were determined by AAS, while blood serum and femur phosphorus was determined by colorimetry. Repeated exposure of the animals maintained on low-protein (7.5%) diet to carbaryl caused a reduction of calcium and phosphorus intestinal transport rate, depending on the time of exposure to the pesticide. Carbaryl stimulated calcium and phosphorus intestinal transport in the rats receiving standard and high-protein diets.