Stwierdzono brak realizacji zalecanych norm na białka, węglowodany, wapń, magnez, żelazo, ryboflawinę, niacynę i kwas askorbinowy w całodziennych racjach młodzieży w wieku rozwojowym.
Basing on results of an inquiry study carried out in the midst of supraelementary school children residing in the Wielkopolska region, the nutritional value of full day's food rations and the realization degree of standards for selected nutritive components, was evaluated. Inadequate supply of most of components under investigation (except fat), was found. Deficiencies concerned chiefly protein, carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin, niacin, and ascorbic acid. The ascertained failure within the realization scope of recommended nutritional standards for above mentir ned components, significant in particular in girl's population, is alarming because it concerns young people at the growing age.