The role of vaccines in the control of different infectious diseases of animals and in the eradication of their etiological agents in their organisms (carriership) was evaluated. The following diseases were the subject of this review: foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever, highly pathogenic avian influenza, Aujeszky’s disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and diseases caused by facultatively pathogenic microorganisms. After a time period when the stamping out method was recommended, in some cases totally replacing vaccination, the present approach particularly with regards to eradication and gaining or regaining the status of free zones or countries of the disease in question, was presented. Using the vaccination of non infected animals around the zone of disease occurrence, especially with marker vaccines and the application of DIVA strategy, which enables differentiating infected and vaccinated animals, a more effective and less expensive way leading to the eradication of infection and of elimination of the disease being the prerequisite of the status of freedom of disease was proposed. The paper indicates that in relation to diseases caused by facultatively pathogenic microorganisms the role of vaccines is restricted to their control. Since a commonly occurring carriership without an influence on the productivity of animals occurs, in this case the eradication is without importance.