IL-3 najeży do multiliniowych stymulatorów hematopoezy, działających w obrębie puli komórek macierzystych. Istnieją nieliczne doniesienia, iż IL-3 podobnie jak inne cytokiny hematopoetyczne działa na funkcje dojrzałych komórek, ale stwierdzono to tylko w warunkach in vitro. W niniejszej pracy wykazano wpływ IL-3 na funkcje fagocytarne, właściwości bakteriobójcze i aktywność enzymów lizosomalnych granulocytów w warunkach żywego organizmu myszy.
Interleukin-3 is a muItipotential hematopoietic growth factor, which like other colony stimulating factors (CSFs) is effective „in vitro" stimulation of the mature cells function. It was found that IL-3 synergistically with GM-CSF and G-CSF stimulated the proliferation of the granulocytes. Therefore the purpose of this investigation was the evaluation „in vivo" of the influences of IL-3 on the phagocytosis, bactericidal activity, and enzyme activities of granulocytes. IL-3 injected into mice subcutaneously during 5 days in dose 1 µg/kg/d. The examination of percent of cells phagocytising bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), NBT test and bactericidal activity were performed every day and evident increase of the tested parameters was found. Additionally the enzyme activities in primary granules were measured and showed on increase of acid phosphatase and peroxidase activity.