Artykuł prezentuje na przykładzie miasta przemysłowego średniej wielkości, przechodzącego okres ustrojowo-gospodarczej transformacji, metodę i przebieg konstruowania strategii rozwoju miasta. W artykule przedstawiono poszczególne etapy pracy nad strategią oraz zasady współpracy dwu partnerów - zespołu ekspertów Instytutu Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunalnej z Warszawy i zespołu lokalnego, których wysiłkiem w ciągu 8 miesięcy wypracowano strategię rozwoju Tomaszowa Mazowieckiego.
Tomaszów Mazowiecki city , in three attempts, beginning from 1992, was trying to construct the strategy for its development with own forces firstly, and afterwards with consultants - experts' help, presenting finally this duty to the team of IPPME experts and adding for the co-operation the own local team. It gives evidence that the city authorities undertake the process of strategy preparation as the constant process and strategy not as a ready final document but the issue which in accordance with needs submitts periodical modifications. The strategy constructed (and assumed by the Town Council in 22.10.1997) in accordance with E.Wysocka (Prof. PhD) and J. Kozinski (M.Arch) method contains the diagnosis of present state standing apart the external and the internal conditions for town development in four spheres: social, ecological, economical and in the field of technical infrastructure. Diagnosis is focused on enumeration and description of being state prospective particles thus those which should most effectively influence on the future situation in the city. The seven key-problems of city development appeared from the state diagnosis. Their analysis let us to constitute four main (strategical) aims for city development. Basing on strategic purposes the city was proposed the programmes with detailed implementation of them, dividing the programmes into two types: constant (long-term, requiring systematic cumulation of activities in its surroundings) and professional programmes concerning choosen issues from:social, economic, ecological and infrastructural sphere. The article also thoroughly presents the elements of co-operation for experts and representatives of local society in the city, paying attention to the importance of social participation in the construction of development strategies.