To test the hypothesis of random oviposition by Maculinea butterflies we investigated the oviposition patterns of M. alcon Denis & Schiffermüller in wet meadows in the Vistula valley, southern Poland, in relation to the stem length and flower number of Gentiana pneumonanthe Linnaeus foodplants as well as to their spatial distribution, the height of the surrounding vegetation and the presence of potential ant hosts. Analysis conducted for 403 gentians recorded within the 0.96 ha study plot indicated that plants with M. alcon eggs present were significantly higher and had more flowers. On the other hand, neither the local density of gentians nor the presence of ant hosts had any apparent effect on oviposition preferences of M. alcon. Our conclusion is that females of the butterfly select visually conspicuous plants as the oviposition sites regardless of their clumping or ant presence. As a consequence, the two factors do not need to be included in computer models developed to study the population dynamics of the species and its trophic interactions with foodplants and ant hosts.