Jednym z ważniejszych pomostów między wspomagającą rozwój mechanizmów rynkowych i aktywizującą rozwój przedsiębiorczości polityką gospodarczą a polityką przestrzenną, mającą na celu poprawę ładu przestrzennego, może być idea kształtowania nowej przestrzeni ekonomicznej. Tym intencjonalnie wyodrębnionym, abstrakcyjnym pojęciem określa się sieć rozwoju przedsiębiorczości i wszelkich instytucji ich obsługi. Kształtowanie przestrzeni ekonomicznej, jako przestrzeni tworzenia i obrotu kapitału, powinno prowadzić do rozszerzania terenów atrakcyjnych dla alokacji tego kapitału i lokalizacji inwestycji aktywizujących w efekcie przedsiębiorczość w ich otoczeniu, w dostosowaniu do szeroko pojmowanych względów społecznych i ekologicznych, a także w dostosowaniu do wymogów integracji europejskiej.
Specific features of the present situation in Poland together with the market system and international opening creates possibilities for a highly spontaneous shaping of economic structures which may expose to danger the principles of space harmony. There arises a need for creation of a system of securities and for its application to both economic and space policy. One of them may be the idea to shape a new economic space considered as a network of zones for creation, development and turnover of the capital. In other words, it should be a space for development of various forms of enterprising initiatives.The aim of this ideas is to determine conditions for business development and to ensure a possibly efficient functional and spatial co-existence of various business forms with the activity for the benefits of natural environment and convenient living conditions for the population. A circumstance justifying the need for shaping a new economic space in Poland is a distinct discrepancy between the contemporary forms of market economy in the world and the possibilities and necessity of adapting these contemporary forms in Poland. On the one hand, there exist in Poland the areas which are intensively - although not in a modern manner - invested and, on the other hand, there exist also areas un- derinvested from many points of view. The zones of a relatively high degree of attractiveness for business development are mainly those of urban agglomerations. However, a longstanding economic crisis has brought about a general and deep capital shortage. Therefore, the inflow of foreign capital should be very important. Hence, a need to create new and attractive poles of its allocation, mainly beyond the existing urban agglomerations, where the possibilities of localization - for the natural and technical reasons - are running low. A new economic space in Poland should reach a higher polycentrist degree as compared to the present one, and should omit the areas having a low degree of ecological resistance. Preparation of this economic space to the business development is connected with a simultaneous creation of the settlement and infrastructural systems, including technical, economic and social conditions. A strict determination of the subject and tools for shaping this new economic space requires, however, further theoretical studies and practical experiments. Besides, it is yet not clear who should be responsible for propagation of this idea and for its introduction to the practice. For the beginning, it may be only suggested that the animators of this idea should be derived from various groups of interest and from professional circles.