Praca jest doniesieniem o stanowisku ważki – szklarnika leśnego Cordulegaster boltonii stwierdzonego w 2007 roku w okolicach Starachowic na Wyżynie Kieleckiej. Gatunek został wykazany podczas obserwacji terenowych w ramach tworzenia obszarów Sieci Natura 2000 na terenie Polski. Praca przedstawia opis stanowiska w miejscowości Lubienia zarówno w odniesieniu do biologii i ekologii gatunku opisanej przez innych odonatologów, jak i w kontekście rozsiedlenia tego gatunku na podstawie nowo wydanego Atlasu rozmieszczenia ważek (Odonata) w Polsce. Artykuł porusza również obecny status ochrony gatunku w Polsce
On 11 July 2007, during a research on insects listed in the Habitat Directive (Natura 2000) a male Cordulegaster boltonii was recorded near Lubienia (UTM EB15), at a site where family of beavers Castor fiber occurs. The male was observed on a medow, partly overgrown with willows and surrounded by wet deciduous forest. However, the species was certainly related to an adjacent stream. The nearest known locality is situated in the Suchedniowsko-Oblęgorski Landscape Park, where the species was recorded in 1981. After the year 2005 found in the vincinity of Suchedniowsko-Oblęgorski Landscape Park and in the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains. The extent of C. boltonii in Poland includes northwestern midwestern and southern part of the country, and only one locality known from the North-East. The species seemed to be nearly extinct in the Upper Silesia region, however, it has recently been rediscovered in this area. The species is protected by law in Poland and in the national Red List 2002 it was qualified for the category VU – (vulnerable). However, new data have shown the more favourable conservation status of the species than it had previously been assessed. Therefore, C. boltonii has been deleted from the Polish Red List