W myśl art. 2 ust. 3 ustawy samorządowej samodzielność gminy podlega ochronie sądowej. Wspomnianą samodzielność należy uznać za dobro osobiste. Wychodząc zaś z istoty prawa podmiotowego jako mocy prawnie chronionej, można przyjąć, że dobro to jest chronione roszczeniami. O ich zakresie i treści orzeka sąd udzielający ochrony. Służą one przeciwko każdemu, kto swoim zachowaniem samodzielności gminy zagraża lub je narusza. Nie jest konieczne, ażeby zachowanie to było bezprawne.
Independence of the commune, provided for by Art. 2 section 3 of the Act on local government, should be considered its personal right. The extent and contens of that notion have to be defined through interpretation. In the categories of rights, independence of the commune means its right to act at its discretion; this power is effective erga omnes and comes under judicial protection. What is peculiar to that right, instead, is that the discussed power is manifested both in administrative and in civil law. Since a right is in its essence power protected by law, it has to be stated that the means of protection are not necessarily exhausted in claims for desistance or for performance of actions necessary to remove the effects of caused infringement (by analogy to Art. 24 point 1 of the civil code). If necessary, the contents of such claims can also shape differently. Their extent will be decided bt the court that grants protection. Nor is there anything in the contents of Art. 2 section 3 of the Act on local government to suggest that the abovementioned means can only be used once the action of any third party has been found illegal. It can thus be concluded that Art. 2 section 3 of the Act on local government provides the autonomous and at the same time the most generalized grounds for claims aiming at protection of communal independence which is the most important attribute of autonomy.