The primary aim of the thesis was to determine the dynamics of variability of energy input in dairy cattle breeding and its dependence on the technological level. The practical aspect of the thesis was aimed at indicating those areas in which high productivity is possible if proper technological solutions are applied in dairy cattle buildings. To investigate the problem. ENTA - SGŻ, the energy-technological 5951method of agricultural production efficiency by T. Nowacki, has been applied. Comparison of energy input changes in basic technological processes of milk production shows that a growth of technological level (W) in studied buildings unitary input of manpower (Ell) tends to decrease considerably, while input of machine work (E12) and electric equipment (E13) increase. It has also been observed that with a growth of technological level and due to moderate increase in the input of machine work there is a considerable decrease in the work of the employed personnel. The minimum input, i.e. the highest energy efficiency for milk production occurs for 60%