The studies were undertaken in order to analyse radiologically bone structures of the maxilla and mandibula, including the teeth in chinchillas that show pathological overgrowth of the incisor and molar teeth. The analysis included 10 sick and 10 healthy animals, whose skulls were post-mortem dissected and compared. The X-ray pictures were examined for significant elements of the bone structure: shape and saturation of incisor and molar teeth, shape, saturation, and thickness of cranial sutures, as well as the evenness of the intensity of the symptoms. The structure of the incisor teeth revealed excessive tissue mineralisation. The tooth canal was invisible, which may indicate fibrosis of the pulp. The cutting edges exhibited excessive mineralisation, which implied a lack of abrasion. The pulp growth cone was invisible. The shape of the upper incisor was altered and semicircular, this prevented contact between the edges of the opposing teeth. The surface structure of the molars was considerably saturated with invisible dental pulp, which may imply fibrosis. The roots of the teeth were distended and flask-like in shape, and considerably saturated. The visible excessive mineralisation in all the molar teeth implied a general process of osteosclerosis.