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2007 | 16 | 6 |

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Influence on selected physical properties of a Haplic Podzol during a ten-year fallow period

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The physical properties of Haplic Podzol developed from loamy sand and left fallow for ten years have been studied. As a method of fallowing, natural succession of the plot was applied. A number of physical properties of this soil were studied, including bulk density, total porosity, moisture at the sampling moment, field water capacity, field air capacity and field air permeability. After ten years in a fallow state, the physi­cal condition of the soil studied had improved. A decrease in soil compaction and an increase in field water capacity can be regarded as especially valuable. It was found that long-term fallow could be a good method for the physical regeneration of the soil structure destroyed year by year by intensive mechanical agri­cultural cultivation. Leaving arable soils fallow should be treated as a special protective farming method. However, it requires further interdisciplinary studies to formulate systemic solutions.

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  • University of Agriculture, Leszczynskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland


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