Problemy związane z przygotowaniem lokalnej polityki ekologicznej (ekorozwoju), zwanej również programem ekorozwoju, strategią ekorozwoju lub Agendą 21, analizowane są z punktu widzenia trzech zasadniczych czynników przesądzających o ostatecznym jej kształcie: woli, wiedzy i możliwości władz gminy oraz społeczności lokalnej.
The Agenda 21 process on the local level may be evaluated according to three ultimate criteria of sustainable development: the willingness, expertise and capacity of the local government and local community. The willingness to embark on the road of sustainable development is a direct function of the level of environmental awareness of the Polish public. The level differs strongly from region to region and even between urban and rural populations, between the young and the elderly and between the well educated and undereducated. This provides a background for the implementation of local environmental policies. The expertise crucial for policy-making towards sustainability should provide answers to the two basic questions: (1) how to identify problems and set local (sustainable) development objectives; and (2) How to structure the development and implementation of policies. Observation of current practices indicates that these processes are undermined by 1) the dominance of sustainable development ideology over the research-sup- ported theory, 2) limited level of aggregated information on the community-economy-environment system on the local level, and 3) poor management standards and weak communications. The capacity must be considered under two headings: 1) conditions to implementing sustainable policies, and 2) policy measures and tools. The odds of implementing sustainable policies locally are determined mainly by the statutory division of powers between the central and regional administration and local governments. One general observation would be that the major policy implementation tools for communities wanting to become sustainable are land-use planning, zoning policies and management of infrastructure.