The paper presents the results of investigations on the iron contents in yolk of hen eggs originating from anthropogenically differentiated regions (Nadarzyn, Węgrów) of the Mazowieckie province. The work aimed at evaluating the effect of anthropopression and the system of poultry husbandry on the iron content in the hen egg yolk. The investigation material included eggs from hens kept in hen farms or individual farmyards. Eggs were collected twice in June and September 2001, 30 eggs from each region and each system of husbandry, all together 240 eggs were subjected to analysis. The samples was subjected to microwave mineralization. The determination of iron content was done using the method of flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS). Results were statistically analysed with the STATISTICA 6.0 PL pack. The differences in iron content in the hen egg depending on the system of husbandry was demonstrated. With the exception of one case, the content of iron was higher in the egg yolk obtained from the individual farmyards as compared to the farm bred hens. In the eggs obtained from the farmyard breeding higher iron contents were observed in-eggs collected in September as compared to those from June. On the basis of the performed investigations on the iron content in the yolk of hen egg the effect of anthropopression on that element content can not be explicitly stated.