The objective of the study was the analysis of occurrence and number of Candida in the alimentary tract of 209 patients with intestinal amoebiasis considering their state after the treatment. Amoebiasis was diagnosed on the grounds of Entamoeba histolytica present in the faeces, what has just recently been recognised equal to the presence of E. histolytica complex. In all patients serological investigations were performed using indirect haemagglutination (IHA) test. The cases with relapses or with the intestinal ailments after elimination of the parasite from the body at the simultaneous isolation of Candida in the faeces were focused on. In the compass of several years a wide number of qualitative and quantitative mycological tests were performed comprising 39 patients with relapses after symptomatic amoebiasis and 42 with ailments which had appeared after the treatment form asymptomatic amoebiasis. Observation of the dynamics of number of Candida cells revealed most often their increment in subsequent examinations. It occurred in 69% people examined after the treatment of asymptomatic antoebiasis and in 40,9% after the treatment of symptomatic amoebiasis. The differences obtained were statistically significant. The number of yeast remained at the same high level in 23,8% patients after asymptomatic amoebiasis and in 36% after symptomatic amoebiasis. Drop, of Candida cells number was noted in 7,1% people after asymptomatic amoebiasis and in 11,4% after symptomatic amoebiasis. In the light of the results obtained it turns possible that suffering from amoebiasis could even in the long run affect Candida tendency to proliferate or the tendency to remain at the same high level. It may be presumed that the growing number of yeast was an important reason for the intestinal ailments after the elimination of E. histolytica. The results of mycoserological investigations also were taken into consideration.