Na podstawie wykonanych doświadczeń szklarniowych ustalono, że grzyby F. culmorum i F. oxysporum są chorobotwórcze dla korzeni bulwiastych oraz sadzonek zielnych dalii. Patogeniczność ich zależy w dużym stopniu od odległości od wegetatywnie mnożonego materiału roślinnego. W badanych warunkach większą chorobotwórczość wykazał F. culmorum.
Author presents the results of glasshouse experiments on pathogenicity of F. culmorum and F. oxysporum for dahliae roots and seedlings. Inoculum was placed in different parts of the pots filled with substrate. The pathogenicity of studied fungi was estimated on the ground of healthiness of roots which were put into treated substrate. The development of young plants was also taken into consideration. It was found that two studied fungi were pathogenic for dahliae plants reproduced vegetatively. The pathogenicity of tested fungi was connected with the distance from the plant material, and was the highest in combinations with direct contact between inoculum and roots.