Zaprezentowane w pracy wyniki badań są częścią realizowanego przez uczelnią programu „ Uczelnie wolne od uzależnień ". Ich celem było zdiagnozowanie skali i rozmiarów zjawiska używania substancji psychoaktywnych wśród młodzieży akademickiej. Stały się również podstawą opracowania programu profilaktycznego.
The present work has been aimed at surveying the phenomenon of student's use of psychotropic substances, especially alcohol. The results of the research are the basis for planning preventative measures to be taken in the academic community. The research was conducted by means of a survey in which 440 students of state High Vocational School took part. The results of the survey reveal that alcohol consumption is a prevailing phenomenon among students. The intoxicant, which is used most often and is largest quantities, is beer. Lack of differences between drinking behavior patterns of the first - and second year students indicates that alcohol consumption becomes a habit before students enter the academic community