Omówienie polskich aktualnych aktów prawnych dotyczących jednostek pomocniczych i więzi radnych z mieszkańcami, a także prawa lokalnego dzielnic-gmin warszawskich i praktyki ruchu pro-samorzędowego na terenie tych gmin. Omówienie różnych modeli partycypacji mieszkańców we władzy lokalnej: amerykańskiego i stosowanego w PRL. Wnioski dotyczące partycypacji mieszkańców i ich organizacji w funkcjonowaniu samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce współczesnej.
Creation of the territorial self-government in Poland was accompanied by a large social discussion on social participation of inhabitants in the functioning of a new type (or rather restituted after a halfc-century period) of local authority. The aims, functions and features of social participation in local authorities are mentioned by the author in the first part of his article. Next, he analyses the way, in which this participation has been conceived by the act on the territorial selfgovernment. The model of social participation in local authorities created by the act on territorial self-government has next been confronted with the West-European models of social participation and compared with the model of so-called ..self-government of inhabitants" which was in force in the socialist People's Poland. Finally, the author presents the results of social inspection which shows a real participation of inhabitants in local authorities in seven Warsaw communities after the new self-governmental elections in 1990.