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Przymrozki wczesne i pozne na Kopciowej [Beskid Sadecki]

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The early and late frosts at Kopciowa [Beskid Sadecki Mountains]

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The early and late frosts (type), ground and total (kind), at Kopciowa near Krynica are described. The variation of the beginning and end, duration, and the number of days with the light frosts of both types and kinds are analyzed. It was found that the number of the light ground and total frosts in the spring was twice as high as that in the autumn, although both seasons lasted for the same number of days. Besides, in both seasons the number of the light ground frosts was twice as high as that of the light total frosts. The light ground frosts also occurred during the summer season. No significant trend in changes of the indexes discussed was observed during 1971-2000. In 1980s there was a distinct increase of the number of days with the light ground frosts. During that period the light ground frosts began to occur earlier in the autumn and ended later in the spring. The number of days with a light frost, however, was not correlated with the length of the light frost period. It was impossible to foresee the beginning of the light total frosts on the basis of the date of the beginning of the light ground frosts. Also it was impossible to foresee the length of the light frost period in the spring on the basis of its length in the autumn, and vice versa. This also concerned the number of days with a light frost.






Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, Al.29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Krakow


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