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Six trace metals in white-tailed eagle from northwestern Poland

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Trace metal contents were determined in kidney, liver, breast muscle, and brain of 11 white-tailed ea­gles collected in 1995-2001 in northwestern Poland. Four essential metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn) and two highly toxic ones (Pb and Cd) were assayed. Concentrations of lead in kidney, liver, and brain of one of the indi­viduals were high enough to indicate lead poisoning; the concentrations in the second bird were sublethal and increased in the third. In the remaining birds the concentrations reflected the geochemical background levels. The cadmium level in the white-tailed eagles examined was low. Numerous significant and positive (except for three cases) correlations between the metals within individual organs (three each in the brain in liver, two each in the kidney and muscle) and between the organs (the highest number - 9 - of significant correlations was detected between metal contents in the brain and the kidney) were revealed. The brain lead concentration was found to be positively correlated with the metal's concentrations in the kidney and liver as well as in the two latter organs (rS>0.88). The results of this study as well as literature data allow us to conclude that the white-tailed eagle in the area of study and in its neighbourhood is clearly exposed to considerable lead poisoning.

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  • Agricultural University of Szczecin, Doktora Judyma 20, 71-466 Szczecin, Poland


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