Mycotic complications of shunt infection in children with primary hydrocephalus. Recently, the incidence of fungal infections in children, including cbildren with shunt-dependent hydrocephalus, has increased. The analysis comprised 8 cbildren treated in the III Clinic of Pediatrics of ICZMP during the period of 12 months (12% of all infectious complications of the shunt system). The clinical picture of fungal infection included Symptoms of shunt dysfunction: febrile conditions, vomiting, distress and loss of appetite. The most common pathogens isolated from the cerebro-spinal fluid were fungi from the Candida species. Mean value of pleocytosis in the cerebro-spinal fluid was 812 cell/μ, and mean protein concentration was 311 mg/dl. Treatment consisted of monotherapy with Dillucan, monotherapy with Ancotil or combined treatment with Ancotil and Amphotericine B. The drugs were administered intravenously and intraventricolarly after removal of the shunt and application of external drainage. Sterility of cerebro-spinal fluid was obtained in the shortest time with the use of Ancotil. Propbylactic application of antifungal drugs decreases the frequency of infections in children with shunt-dependent hydrocepbalus.