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Mangan w lubinie bialym jako potencjalny czynnik antyodzywczy dla zwierzat monogastrycznych


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On the basis of own research and literature the content of manganese in seeds of three lupin species (yellow, narrow-leafed and white) was discussed. White lupin seeds contained manganese at the amount exceeding several times its content typical to other leguminous plants. Contents of Mn in the seeds of Polish white lupin cultivars and strains ranged within 134-1452mg/kg Mn. Ten out of thirteen samples contained less that 700 mg/kg Mn, and in eight samples the Mn content was below 500 mg/kg. In an experiment on rats fed the diet including 30% lupin seeds containing approximately 1000 mg/kg manganese, the Mn dose increased to 330 mg did not negatively affect the feed intake nor utilisation of protein. This was due to a low bioavailability of manganese from lupin seeds, much lower than that of manganese carbonate. Following the analysis of animal nutrition requirements results of the experiments on pigs and poultry, and the review of permissible manganese content in animal feeds in the legislation of other countries, it was concluded that an excessive amount of manganese may sporadically limit the use of white lupin seeds for animal feed production in Poland. It was shown that lupine seeds for feed should not contain more than 900 mg/kg Mn. At 20-25% share of lupine seeds in feed mixture and provided 30 mg/kg Mn content in cereal grain, the content of manganese in feed mixtures should not exceed 250 mg/kg.








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  • Instytut Rozrodu Zwierzat i Badan Zywnosci PAN, ul. Tuwima 10, 10-718 Olsztyn


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